We have a winner!
Layout for the Designing with Color Challenge

Wow, it has been a while!

Homecomingmum_1Goodness, I didn't realize how guilty I was of blog neglect! I am so sorry! Things around here have been somewhat chaotic, but have calmed down drastically now that Matthew's homecoming week is over! Wow, what a week it was last week! First, he came home on Tuesday and asked me if I knew how to make "mums". I am like, "Mums? For what??" and he said that in Texas, it is a big tradition to make (or buy - hehe!) the biggest, gaudiest, trinket-filled mum you could possibly fathom to give to your homecoming date on the day of the game. I had not ever seen this "giant mums" so I quickly relied on the old friend Google and did a search for the elusive mums that he spoke of. Holy cow was I ever bowled over! There was NO way I was making one of these bad boys myself, so I found a shop in Addison, TX that specialized in them, and off we went to choose the trinkets, ribbons, etc. for the mum. When we got to The Mum Shop we were quickly overwhelmed by all the styles and choices for these things! After about an hour and a half, we created a pretty mum for Lauren (his date-but-not-girlfriend) and were told that we could pick it up on Thursday. Now let me tell you, I was NOT prepared for the cost of these things! This mum was $99.10!!! I almost fainted clean away! So here is a picture (although not a great one) of the mum he gave to Lauren. Yes, that is a toilet behind the mum - please forgive me for shooting this thing in my office bathroom! LOL!

Mumgarter_1So he gave her the mum last Friday morning and of course, she was instantly the envy of all her friends because the thing was danged-near as big as she was! She is a cheerleader, so we chose a megaphone to put in the bear's hand on the mum. I am not sure how she managed it, but she wore it all day at school, cheered in it at the pep rally, then wore it to the game Friday night. Also, it is tradition for the girls to give a "homecoming mum garter" to their guys on the day of the game, so Matthew came home on Friday with his own matching mum garter - and was pretty proud of it! Here he is holding it, although reluctant to have his picture taken. Please excuse the horrible quality of the photo - I took it inside a dark room with flash (bad, bad Jlyne!) and had to lighten it up quite a bit for you to even be able to see his face. With reluctant teenagers, sometimes you just have to be thankful for the shots you can get and just deal with the lousy quality later! I am lucky he posed long enough to snap THIS one! LOL!

Mattandlauren_small_1So Saturday night arrived, and Matthew and Lauren went to the Cheesecake Factory to eat prior to the dance, then we chauffeured them from the mall to the school where the dance started at 9 PM. Here they are before the dance, and this is Matthew's first "date". I think they looked great! He was so excited, and I was such a nervous wreck for him that I couldn't even eat dinner. I am such a worrywart!

They really had a great time. After the dance was over at midnight, they went to IHOP with some friends to have breakfast then came home. Everything went well and I worried myself for nothing. LOL! It is just one of those things where you know it is a memorable event for your child and you want everything to go just right for them! Oh - and the football team won their game, so that was even better.  :)

OK, I am getting ready for the celebrity chat tonight at creativecraftsandstickers.com so I would love to chat with you since I am the "celebrity" guest! *coughnotsosureaboutthecelebritypartcough* but it sounds like fun! The chat starts at 8:30 ET, so be sure to stop by, register for the forums, click the "Flashchat" option in the upper right corner, then say hello!
