Frisco ISD Bond Program 2014
Monday, February 24, 2014
The citizens of Frisco ISD are being asked to consider a $775 million bond package to provide educational facilities for up to 66,000 students. PASA Demographics currently projects the District will reach that enrollment figure in 2020.
The plan was developed by a committee of 27 parents and community members who met for several months to evaluate FISD facilities, programs and continued growth.
Ultimately, the group proposed a bond package that includes new schools, additions and land purchases, instructional and student support needs and renovations to support facilities.
School Board members accepted the proposal at the February 10th regular meeting of the Board and called an election for Saturday, May 10, 2014. To vote in the election, residents must register by April 10.
To learn more, visit: Frisco ISD Bond Program 2014
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