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Happy International Peace Day 2015!


Happy International Peace Day!

Make a difference today in your own home, your family, your neighborhood, your community, your city, your state, your country, your world, your planet, your universe, but most importantly in your own heart and it will spill over into tomorrow. Choose love over hate, joy over sadness, compassion over apathy, knowledge over ignorance, courage over fear, understanding over judgment, forbearance over anger, tolerance over impatience, generosity over selfishness, and trust over uncertainty. Let go of negative thoughts.

A domino effect begins with just one domino. Choose to be that domino and watch the world change around you with just one small push. Push yourself to make peace within your heart and your home, then watch it affect those around you in a positive manner.

It is my wish that you will like and share this message in honor of International Peace Day today. We are all in this world together!

Written by Jlyne Hanback

‪#‎InternationalPeaceDay‬ ‪#‎peace‬ ‪#‎love‬